Your website’s content strategy serves three purposes: 1. Position your site (and you by extension) as a resource; 2. Provide an opportunity to attract prospects; and 3. Easily identify ways to connect with you. As such, the content selected on your site should always be strategic and meet your overall goals. And don’t forget, the content should represent your target market. In other words, it should be written with target market in mind.

So how exactly do you go about evaluating the content on your website? Remember, you need to be objective through this exercise. The goal is refining your content strategy so it better positions you with your clients and prospects, if needed.

As an initial content audit, I suggest answering the following:

First Impression

  • Do you have a landing page, sometimes referred to a lead capture page, destination page, or opt-in page?
  • Is your positioning statement clearly identified?

Audience Representation

  • Do the words used on your site resonate with your target market?
  • Does the content address the key concerns your clients have communicated to you?
  • Do the images on your site reflect your target market?


  • Are the images on your site grainy?
  • Are there typos or grammatical mistakes on your site?
  • Does your site have too much text?
  • Does your site have too many images?

Your website is part of your branding investment, and should provide a value to you, your clients and your prospects. However, the amount of time you spend on refining your site should be weighed against your expected return, so be realistic with the amount of time you commit to this marketing activity. To get started, review our complete Website Audit Checklist.

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